Excellence in Design Awards
NKBA's annual Excellence in Design Awards showcase the best of New Zealand kitchen and bathroom design.
Entries to the 2025 awards are now open for entry.
The future of vocational education and training in New Zealand
The government is proposing changes to the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. The changes will affect the VET system for years to come and will have a significant impact on how kitchen/ba…Read more about 'The future of vocational education and training in New Zealand'...
Celebrating Student Success
NKBA is dedicated to improving industry excellence by providing education and professional development opportunities to kitchen and bathroom professionals throughout New Zealand. Each year, NKBA cele…Professional development – the ultimate tool to success
NKBA and most of our members have made education and professional development a priority. This can be demonstrated through the rise in popularity of our New Zealand Diploma in Kitchen Design, the introduction of tiering for designers and the multitude of education opportunities that the NKBA presents.
Read more about 'Professional development – the ultimate tool to success '...
Concerns over Engineered Stone
A recent survey by NKBA showed that many of its members are concerned and unsure over the use of engineered stone due to the recent media attention around silicosis and the ban of engineered benchtop fabrication in Australia.
2024 EiD Judges
NKBA is proud to introduce the 2024 Excellence in Design Awards judging panel, a mix of some of the brightest stars in the industry. This year we're also excited to add a special guest judge to the lineup!
2024 Trends
Every year the National Kitchen and Bathroom Association surveys its members to discover the upcoming trends for kitchen and bathroom design. The 2024 results are finally in, let’s take a closer look….
Student Success
Education and professional development are at the heart of the NKBA. So, nothing makes us prouder than celebrating the achievements of students studying their NZ Diploma in Kitchen Design.
A Year as President
With just under a year at the helm as President of the NKBA, Mark Bruce has made some significant changes.
Not just a man of change, Mark Bruce is a passionate advocate of the NKBA.
2023 NKBA EID Judges
The 2023 Judging panel is a prestigious line-up of some of the biggest names in the industry. We are proud to introduce our judges for 2023 and thank them for their commitment to the NKBA and our industry.